Tag Archives: Amazon

SQJPure’s Top Five Manga for the year 2013[Part One]

Hey there….peoplewhoaren’treallyreadingthis….

I’m SQJ Pure And I’m going rattle off my five favorite Manga of 2013. It is very important to note that I am talking about manga that I have read during 2013.



Fairy Tail!


First thing’s first. This is a manga that is available to buy online. So if you can afford it I would actually recommend it to be bought. 

Now the story which follows Natsu…no wait… that’s not right, that is only what it looks like, sounds like and quite clearly is like. Let me say the story starts with too thin to be healthy Lucy! An okay if not flimsy character who disappears behind the awesome of Natsu. 

Seriously, that’s how the manga plays out. 

You will end up forgetting who the hell Lucy is at some point or you’ll just be okay with it as her story is tedious and slapped on. AT BEST. To her credit one could argue she is the closest thing to a regular human being in the plot, which ironically makes her suck twice as much. 

As I said Lucy is the only regular human being with all the members being completely insane. Which is fantastic, because I love them and genuinely care what happens to them, which if you know shounen logic means you know that their stories are somewhat limited but still enjoyable. I just LOVE THE CHARACTERS. Wish I could shoot Lucy in the face, but no one else. 


The story itself didn’t take itself too seriously well at the same time having an entertaining flow and unlike other manga you do not have to read four chapters to feel like the story itself is progressing.  

It follows most Shounen manga cliches. Internationally positive protagonist who is so positive that if the story had been written in china or Russia you would have thought it was a propaganda initiative. The women are super well endowed to the point where the only way the men could match it would be if their penises were scrapping across the floor across through the manga. And of course despite how impossibly hot the girls are none of the men have a single boner to share between any of them for the women. And of course it is all sprinkled with fillers that make you want to gouge your eyes out. 

But for all of its flaws it has some genuinely good moments. The bad guys do not exactly fill the boring linear path of:

Oh? You thought Jeff was bad?

Wait till you take on, twice as strong, Steve.

You thought Steve was tough? Wait till you take on SUSAN who is twice as strong! 

Okay it does that, but if you only read through the first few story arcs you will not feel that at all. It will feel original, crisp and brilliant. (This changes sadly but that didn’t happen during 2013)

All in all.

The characters are unique.

The art style is enjoyable.

The first bad guys are fun to watch

And most importantly the magic is a rush! This is a great Manga, so if you can buy it, then buy it. 

Fairy-tail-fairy-tail-32737717-768-810 (1)




The Second half of Gantz. 


Remember buy the Manga if you get the chance! Get it on Amazon

I would have just said Gantz but I didn’t start reading this in 2013, I started this in 2012, 2011. But if you know much about Gantz you will learn that Gantz takes a few big turns in the plot with the single biggest turn splitting the plot in half, making two Gantz in my opinion. I’m not going to go into detail on what two Gantz are I’m only going to tell you to read it. 

What can I say about the second half of Gantz without giving anything away. Well first things first. Gantz suddenly takes itself so much more seriously and crosses into realm of super pretentious BUT and this is a big big BUTT I like that. 


The cheap sexual shots grind down, not to a halt but they do decrease it heavily but I think that has so much to do with the main character himself maturing over time. And you see the main character’s growth and story’s own growth without ever getting repetitive. 

The monsters and villains are unique and exciting. And of course the most exciting part of Gantz is that people die. Like actually die. So there’s a unique element of fear as you actually have a concern that people you like might die. Which is AWESOME. And when I say might die, I mean MOST CERTAINLY WILL DIE.


This RP is dark, beautifully written, mature, clever and just beautiful! From the art work to the characters. If there were gripes it would be…well that it’s more boy orientated because of well boobies and the most impressive characters generally lack them. Except for [No spoilers] and [No spoilers] who are actually engaging. 

You should enjoy this piece. 

This would have been ranked higher but the fucking ending…the fucking ending, fuck shit fuck mother fuckers SHIT FUCK MOTHER FUCKER!! It was frustrating and maddening to no end. It just seemed rushed out like they just woke Hiroya Oku up and told him he had ten minutes and one chapter to wrap it up or they were going to break his legs and lock in him a room Misery style.


But despite the ending this is a Manga that that is well worth reading that manages to keep itself interesting. Things happen between the chapters so you don’t feel like you have to read a full volume to feel like something has happened. 

All in all this was a great impressive read and I hope you get your hands on it. It fits happily on my top five. 

I repeat this isn’t good, this is fucking great! 

I’m going to stop there that way this doesn’t end up being a solid wall of writing. 

So if you liked this review, then like and reblog it and I’ll get to work on the next part of it. I hope you enjoyed it.

The Pure One has spoken!